29th November – 7th December
Let us do honour to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Let us adore Christ the Lord, Who preserved Her.
Let us pray.
Holy Mary Queen of heaven and, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who forsake no one and despise no one, look upon me O Lady with an eye of pity and obtain for me for thy beloved Son, the forgiveness of all my sins; that as I now celebrate with devout affection thy holy and Immaculate Conception, so hereafter I may receive the prize of eternal blessedness, by the grace of Him who thou, in virginity, did bring forth, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, world without end. – Amen.
Hail Mary … Holy Mary…
Glorious Virgin Mary, Most Pure, Full of Grace Queen of Angels and of men, I humbly venerate thee as the Mother of My Saviour Jesus Christ, who paid thee honour, reverence and obedience, teaching me thereby, what great honour and homage are due to thee. Vouchsafe. I pray thee to accept these devotions, which I offer to thee. Thou art the Mother of compassion; so thou wilt surely be moved with pity for my many miseries. After Jesus, thou art my chief hope, deign to recognise the filial confidence I feel towards thee. Make me worthy to be called thy son, so that I may not be afraid to cry unto thee to show thyself a Mother to me.
Hail Mary… Holy Mary …
O Most Pure and Immaculate Virgin, the most privileged of all creatures, the only one among the descendants of Adam, who was never of an instant an enemy of your Creator. O Mary conceived without sin, remember the ends, for which you were enriched. with graces, which no other mortal ever enjoyed. Remember, you were Miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, not only that you might become the Mother of God, but also the Mother, Refuge and Advocate of man. Strengthened, therefore with the most lively confidence in your never failing mediation, we most humbly implore your intercession, that we may obtain the favours we request in this Novena
(make your requests)
You know, Mother, how often our hearts are not pure and holy. Obtain for us then, that angelic purity, which is your favourite virtue, that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention, which will consecrate every thought, word and action to His greater glory. Obtain also for us, a constant spirit of prayer, a silence and self-denial, that we may recover by penance, that innocence, which we have lost by sin and at length attain safety to that blessed abode of the saints, where nothing defiled can enter.
Hail Mary …. Holy Mary ….
O Immaculate Queen of Peace, speed we pray thee, the triumph of the kingdom of God. give us at last the peace for which we yearn. Peach in the trust, justice and charity of God, peace among nations, among families and in the hearts of men.
We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers O ever glorious and ever Blessed Virgin.